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Cities with the most hotel rooms

Are you planning your next vacation and want to find a city that has a lot of hotel options to choose from? Here we have listed the cities with the highest number of hotel rooms in the world.

Many large cities have an abundance of hotels, no matter which part of the world that you are traveling to. In some cases the cities have few but large hotels, and in other cases you find a lot of different hotels with fewer rooms at each place. With that said, most popular destinations offer a mix of hotels with both large complexes and more intimate options.

You can also find hotel rooms of many different classes – from the most affordable options that gives you more money to spend on your vacation, to the luxury suits that makes you want to move in permanently. The wide range of hotels makes sure there is something for all preferences.

If you want to have a lot to choose from when traveling, pick a city with a lot of options. In the compilation below we have listed the cities with the highest quantity of rooms around the world. You can find both the US cities with the most hotel rooms and other popular destinations around the world.

List of cities in order of number of hotel rooms, from highest to lowest.

This is a list containing the cities with most number of hotel rooms (with the accommodation type "hotel") according to our database.

City Rooms
Shanghai China 172650
Beijing China 149550
Guangzhou China 115591
Tokyo Japan 112987
Bangkok Thailand 101708
London United Kingdom 94749
New York United States 92676
Paris France 81341
Istanbul Turkey 74658
Dubai United Arab Emirates 67144
Hong Kong Hong Kong 67089
Shenzhen China 60575
Chengdu China 59766
Singapore Singapore 59220
Makkah Saudi Arabia 58977
Berlin Germany 57251
Hangzhou China 55245
Xi'an China 53961
Orlando United States 52200
Seoul South Korea 51058
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 50782
Osaka Japan 49439
Jakarta Indonesia 49044
Moscow Russia 48036
Rome Italy 46451
Houston United States 44799
Chicago United States 43039
Atlanta United States 43004
Suzhou China 40689
Sao Paulo Brazil 39962
Los Angeles United States 38671
Madrid Spain 37430
Barcelona Spain 36194
Sanya China 35992
Nanjing China 35549
Mexico City Mexico 34760
San Diego United States 34587
Qingdao China 34386
Munich Germany 34315
Prague Czech Republic 33808
Taipei Taiwan 33749
New Delhi India 33389
Tianjin China 33271
Wuhan China 33144
San Antonio United States 32796
Shenyang China 32635
Chongqing China 32460
Rio de Janeiro Brazil 32255
San Francisco United States 32182
Manila Philippines 32135
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 31702
Washington United States 30975
Macau Macao 30972
Xiamen China 30904
Vienna Austria 29681
Amsterdam Netherlands 29306
Saint Petersburg Russia 27770
Hamburg Germany 27417
Dallas United States 27019
Sydney Australia 26849
Kunming China 26216
Toronto Canada 25646
Frankfurt/Main Germany 25329
Milan Italy 25177
New Orleans United States 24930
Bangalore India 24880
Buenos Aires Argentina 24121
Dongguan China 24070
Hanoi Vietnam 23785
Changsha China 23768
Hefei China 23608
Rimini Italy 23581
Las Vegas United States 23048
Dalian China 22956
Austin United States 22940
Mumbai India 22937
Jinan China 22612
Cairo Egypt 22273
Al Madinah Saudi Arabia 22164
Miami United States 21692
Sapporo Japan 21616
Chiang Mai Thailand 21610
Fukuoka Japan 20943
Kyoto Japan 20917
Sunny Beach Bulgaria 20734
Pattaya Central Thailand 20576
Boston United States 20555
Lisbon Portugal 20373
Taiyuan China 20276
Benidorm Spain 19922
Patong Beach Thailand 19631
Budapest Hungary 19603
Zhuhai China 19492
Guilin China 19171
Side Turkey 19117
Nanchang China 19038
Zhengzhou China 18911
Anaheim United States 18795
Haikou China 18497
Wuxi China 18462
The list was last updated on 2024-06-26.